How Strada Humanizing Young People?
By Isabel Michelle Putri, SMK Strada I Jakarta *)
Education and people are inextricably linked. “Education is considered as a process of living, not preparation for future life,” says John Dewey. Education, in Dewey’s opinion, is a process that aids human development or, in other words, humanizes humans. Strada has a crucial role in humanizing the next generation as an educational institution. This is demonstrated by the existence of a vision and mission for achieving it. Strada established five essential values that all Strada residents must adhere to in order to fulfill this vision and mission: service, honesty, discipline, caring, and excellence.
First, the value of service. It is preferable to serve rather than to be served. Because, if we serve people truly and selflessly, we will undoubtedly feel a sense of fulfillment as though we have helped to alleviate some of their burdens. Regardless, we shall be a gift to others, and we serve others in the same way that we serve the Lord Jesus. Strada constantly reminds and teaches us that we must serve others with all of our hearts for the glory of a higher God. Simple methods to accomplish this include assisting friends who are having problems understanding lessons, assisting parents at home, and participating in various religious service events.
Second, the value of honesty. Telling the truth is being honest. The most vital quality, in my opinion, is honesty. Honesty is a crucial value since it has a significant impact on human lives. Humans frequently abuse the principle of honesty, leading to inhumane activities such as stealing, cheating, and slandering others. Humans will not become cultured or wise as a result of such actions. As a result, we can begin to be honest by doing modest things like confessing our own faults and not stealing from others. With this principle, we are supposed to grow into individuals who are always truthful, can be trusted by others, and who are always accountable for everything.
Third, the value of discipline. Discipline entails following all established regulations. Strada uses this concept to ensure that the younger generation is always time disciplined in the future. We must be able to respect time because time cannot be reversed and we are only here for a short time. We will eventually be able to respect other people if we can respect time. This mindset can begin with simple things like following the rules and completing tasks on time. Discipline learned at an early age will ensure that we are constantly obedient, obedient, and willing to respect others. Take successful people as an example; they must be time disciplined since there is no such thing as a successful person who is lazy. We can begin by following simple rules at school, such as arriving on time, submitting homework on time, and following all school rules.
Fourth, the value of caring. Caring is an action motivated by a concern for other people’s issues. This caring mindset will cause us to respond sympathetically and appear to understand others’ concerns. We can set an example for others to follow by doing so. Helping those in need, encouraging friends, and making donations to those in need are all simple things we can do. Flynn, a former student of SMK Strada 1 Jakarta, is an excellent example. She will graduate in 2021. She has always used the five essential values of Strada during her school years, notably the value of caring. As a result, she is more concerned about her environment, such as supporting her friend who has now begun working and assisting friends in need. Strada believes that their students would develop a strong sense of caring and humanity toward those in need in the future.
Fifth, the value of excellence. Superior implies superiority or superiority over others. Strada, in other words, expects us to be superior and qualified humans. We can become cultured, intelligent, and role models for others if we are qualified. We shall become a youthful generation that excels and inspires others if we live according to these principles. Studying carefully is an example of a basic attitude that we might adopt. Many children dream of being able to go to school, but I sometimes believe that there are also many children who can go to school but are not grateful for the chances they have been given. They continue to criticize and undervalue education. Though education is crucial and will help us become superior and inspirational in the future. As a result, we must be appreciative and work hard while we still have the opportunity to become great individuals in the future.
We will undoubtedly become quality human beings after using all of Strada’s essential values. As proof, there is Maurien from SMK Strada 1 Jakarta who graduated in 2019. From her school days to now, she has lived by the five essential ideals. She has developed into a person of responsibility and integrity in college, and she is trusted in a variety of ways, including handling new student admissions, nurturing, and imparting educational information to her juniors. In fact, her dedication to learning led to her being hired as a lecturer’s assistant. Then all of these fundamental principles are thus highly important for us when we choose to join a organization at school. Like Anastacia, who is a member of the student council for the years 2021-2022. She has attempted to implement all of Strada’s essential values, however this is not always successful. However, she has noticed a number of beneficial effects after embracing Strada’s five essential values, like being more honest in organizing, being more accountable, caring, and providing more service.
After that, I held an interview with Natasya, a 2016 Strada graduate. This emphasizes the significance of Strada’s essential values. Natasya said she couldn’t adopt Strada’s essential ideals 100% as a student based on the results I got. Because she still loves to fail to put it into practice, but the school will be reminded of the things that have been put in place at school. This is engrained in her subconsciously. When she first started working, she realized how huge of an impact she had. Because you will meet a lot of new individuals at work, all with various backgrounds, education, and work situations. She believes that in order to avoid being swept away by toxic people, we must have a firm basis in our work. She can learn to be a hard worker who is disciplined and willing to help others while doing this work. She is grateful to be able to study at Strada since the knowledge she has subconsciously ingrained in her will be very useful and sought after by the company, and she will become accustomed to it over time.
Then, once a week, Strada hosts literacy exercises for its students. This literacy aids students by building character, expanding their knowledge, and enhancing their creativity. Then the educator’s job is usually to introduce new knowledge and insight to the classroom. A teacher will present and deliver a concrete object (such as a testimony or experience) regarding the ideals of honesty, defense of people in difficulties, fairness, and other human values that they wish to achieve, as I have occasionally observed and felt. This is an excellent example for me since the teachers’ experiences are not just given in the form of theory, but students can also be welcomed to experience and comprehend these occurrences. So that students gradually become accustomed to and motivated to perform nice things in their daily lives.
I believe that the Strada’s five essential values, literacy exercises, and teachers’ experiences that can be applied to their students can help reduce various acts of dehumanization in Indonesia. Strada’s different methods will modify and open up the thinking, conduct, and experiences of the younger generation so that they can comprehend and respect each other’s human rights and freedoms. In this way, we can help the government protect our fellow citizens’ human rights and dignity. This is in reference to Law No. 5 of 1998, issued September 28, 1998, relating to the Ratification of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
I know that Strada has many options for humanizing the next generation. Students are guided to the main preparation when they finish their schooling (especially if they choose a vocational major) so that they can immediately work and live a better life, notably in earning a living and practicing and spreading goodness for others. We hope that the positive experiences and lessons learned at Strada can be implemented to help us become more caring and respectful human beings.
*) Pemenang Juara I Lomba Writing English Jenjang SMA SMK Tingkat Perkumpulan Strada yang dilaksanakan tanggal 18-19 Mei 2022
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Original and natural writings derived from opinions and testimonies, hopefully they can inspire and be a means to be proud of Strada and the Strada associations are able to maintain, and improve their quality and services.