Together with Strada to Humanize the Nation’s Young Generation
By Dwiky Christian Febriano, SMA Strada Santo Thomas Aquino Tangerang *)
Indonesia doesn’t lack schools, but Indonesia lacks schools that humanize young people. Humanizing itself means that schools can provide safety and comfort and provide value to students. These things cause schools in Indonesia to be undeveloped in terms of humanization. Based on data reports from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, as many as 75,303 children have dropped out of school. This statement is complemented by an education survey report by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2014; as many as 75% of schools in Indonesia are not qualified for the minimum education service standards. For Instance, Inadequate facilities and infrastructure, unequal quality of teaching staff, and ineffective learning methods for student self-development. The Indonesian Minister of Education 2014, Mr Anies Baswedan, revealed that many students still go through school violence. he said, “schools in Indonesia are still far from safe and peaceful.” In 2020, according to the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mrs Suharti), the number of students dropping out of school increased by ten times. She revealed that schools were increasingly ineffective in carrying out online during the pandemic. Students felt they didn’t get a new understanding or didn’t understand the lessons at school. Parents also asked their children to drop out of school and told them to do things that parents thought were more valuable time, like work. Based on the facts presented, the researcher can conclude that the average school in Indonesia does not humanize children in Indonesia. However, the public can overcome this issue by choosing the right place for education. Based on the writer’s opinion, Strada St. Thomas Aquino is the best place for solving these issues. They will make sure all students feel safe, comfortable, and get valued.
Strada St. Thomas Aquino has a high level of security, both from the security outside the area school and the safety inside the school. As an example of security outside the school, Strada has CCTV active for 24 hours to record malicious behavior or actions from strangers who come to school. Strada has a security unit that has been tested. If a crime occurs at school, members of the security unit immediately come to the scene and help secure and make the school situation conducive again. So far, Strada St. Thomas Aquino provides security for students. If the crime comes from Strada students, The Counseling Guidance teacher will present to give sanctions such as warning letters and coaching to the students concerned. The researchers can confirm that Strada is safe from acts of violence and bullying cases. In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools need to improve school safety in the health sector. Learning from other schools that carry out offline learning but can’t cope with this problem correctly, Strada improves their security in the health sector by implementing health protocols during the PTMT by keeping a distance of one meter from each other and using two layers of masks. Strada also held a health program for COVID-19 vaccinations in doses one and two for students and the surrounding community. The teachers have also been vaccinated before the students to maintain the students’ safety and security. Before entering the school area, students will wash their hands first using running water and soap. After washing their hands, they have to check their temperature. If their temperature is above 37 degrees, students will be asked to go home and carry out a school online. At that temperature, students can take offline learning. After both processes, students can scan the barcode and check into the school using the Peduli Lindungi application. With this application, the school can find out information regarding student vaccinations to ensure that all students attending school have been vaccinated against the covid 19 vaccine. Strada applies strict health protocols so that students can feel safe and comfortable.
Strada St. Thomas Aquino is a comfortable school for young people. Strada has adequate facilities and infrastructure. For instance, it has complete school facilities. Starting from classrooms equipped with AC and LCD, there are three fields within the school that are used for sports lessons so that sports teachers can adjust when teaching. Strada schools also have a hall that can be used for certain activities such as celebrations of the momentous day, school events, and extracurricular activities. Strada schools also have a school health unit where the unit is ready to help students if they have health complaints. Strada has various labs. For example, There are a physics lab and a computer lab that students can use to assist in the learning and practice process. Strada also has a canteen so students can buy food if they don’t bring food from home. Strada provides complete school facilities and supports the convenience of student learning with effective and fun learning methods. Strada students are guided directly by professional teachers who have been tested following the applied Standard Operating Procedures. Strada teachers run a training period called Teacher Professional Development. Teachers will participate in a training and mentoring program for six months to help teachers seek to improve self-ability with future pedagogical concepts accompanied by qualified technology. Strada teachers are very interactive, so it will make learning in class more fun because they will invite students to be more active and communicative in class.
Teachers also use several media in the form of applications and websites in learning activities, one of which is the website learning management system, namely Socrates. Socrates is an educational service founded in 2003. It has educational solutions based on information technology in programs that can help schools increase their competitive advantage through digital school transformation. Socrates can support student learning activities. Students can access Socrates in learning to make training and assessment activities easier to carry out. Socrates also provides information regarding the development of children’s values to parents so that parents do not have to worry about monitoring their children’s progress at school. With effective and fun learning methods and conducive learning situations, students can feel more comfortable and get value.
Strada St. Thomas Aquino gives value to its students. They free their students to take extracurricular activities according to their talents and interests. In addition, Strada also invites its students to participate in competitions at the city, provincial, and national levels. The experience gained by students can provide value for the future of students. Strada produces many students who excel in academic and non-academic. Recently, Emiliana Setyowati One of Strada’s students won a city-level scientific essay competition. Christofer Jonathan also create poems and then publish them in literature anthologies. In addition to achievements, Strada also shapes the character of young people. They are developed to become young people who have a religious, nationalist, ethical spirit and have high honesty. Strada also teaches his students good manners and always spreads kindness to everyone.
Based on the facts that has presented, the researcher can conclude that Strada St. Thomas Aquino is the best place to humanize young people.
*) Pemenang Juara III Lomba Writing English Jenjang SMA SMK Tingkat Perkumpulan Strada yang dilaksanakan tanggal 18-19 Mei 2022
School facilities and infrastructure are one of the keys to the comfort and safety of students and how schools care about students and school assets, as well as how the synergy between teachers, parents and students can be carried out properly. So that from time to time Strada is getting better, Jaya, complete with facilities and the School is getting better, more caring and has character
as well as the guidelines for the 5 core values of Strada